Monday, February 9, 2009


Genealogy, the study of one's ancestral roots and family tree, can be quite an informative tool, to understand oneself, one's family, and understanding history better - especially how one's family relates to it, but perhaps more importantly - to obtain a deeper understanding of humanity. Plus, since it requires developing strong investigative skills, it can be a good tool for keeping and enhancing one's intellect.

There are basically two kinds of genealogy, one through standard investigation - interviewing people, finding records, analyzing records, organizing the information, then reporting on it - either for one's own benefit or for the benefit of others. The second, and newer form of genealogy, is molecular genealogy - which involves having one's (and/or other possibly related people's) DNA tested by a testing service, which allows one to collect all kinds of other information from health and related traits to paternal (Y-chromosome DNA) and maternal (mitochondrial DNA) ancestral paths going back thousands of years. Using both forms, enhances the overall effort.

Besides gathering the information because it is interesting, some things become evident enough to spark other research into the science which might confirm or disprove the clues obtained frm doing the genealogical research.

For example, my experience with genealogy made evident how many talents, personality traits, etc can follow certain family lines, hence implying a physical/genetic connection to some things otherwise thought to be more due to how one has experienced life and/or just went on to develop those skills or talents. Maybe, we have less free will than we think we have, anyway that does seem to be true from what I have learned.

In summary, genealogy is quite an educational hobby/effort, with many benefits.

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